These thoughts were engendered by some readings in Robert
Nozick’s book Philosophical Explanations,
in particular the discussion near the end of Ch. 5, Part III on “Deontology and
Teleology”, and the preceding sections on the structure of moral rules. I do not think it is necessary to read or
have read Nozick’s book in order to follow my meditations, though.
If you perform certain types of bad acts, even for a “good
purpose”, you lessen the amount of good that you, and perhaps others, may do in
the future. If you torture a known (even
admitted) terrorist in order to thwart his plans and save innocent lives, you
become the sort of person who will more easily torture in the future, perhaps
sometimes on mere suspicion, and hence, eventually, an innocent. Also, you fill your victim’s relatives and
friends with resentment, anger, hate, lessening the good they will do in the
future, and making it more likely that they will do wrong. This doesn’t mean, necessarily, that one may
never do a wrong act to accomplish a good end, but it is a factor to be
weighed. I think this connects to some
extent the deontological (rules-based) and teleological (ends-based) views of
morals, and helping to avoid some of the worst “ends justify the means” abuses
of vulgar forms of the latter.
Nozick’s ideas of the foundation of ethics have, I think,
some serious flaws. The deepest flaw, to
me, is his assumption (which he never really tries to justify?) of some
Platonic realm of value, right, and wrong that transcends and has no necessary
relation to (at least is not in any way derived from) human ends. I reject this view, and hope to set down some
alternative speculations in some detail, in the future.
On a more technical level, his discussion of the structure
of moral rules gives food for thought, but his elaborate formulation (which
even he does not try to complete) is far too complex for actual
application. Surely an analysis of
morality must consider the “computability” of the resulting formulas – the
possibility that the answers could actually be reached by real people in “real
time” – otherwise it is asking us to be better than we possibly can be.
Perhaps deontological rules are best seen as heuristics
(“rules of thumb”). Heuristics are
designed for quick computations that give good (not necessarily optimal)
results in many (hopefully “most”) situations.
A set of heuristic rules does not necessarily need to be internally
(logically) consistent. Judgment applies
in deciding which heuristic to apply, or even whether to apply the heuristics
at all, rather than opt for some more “precise” formula such as a careful,
weighted analysis of the long(er)-term moral benefits and costs.
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